Friday 7th
Was woken up by Ariel at 8! Thank goodness, totally forgot we had to go see Rio2 today, so a mad dash was had by all, we still managed to get there 1st so chose the premium seats.
Gradually the school classes arrived, suddenly there were screams and crying from the girls (probably boys too) mice everywhere running up and down the cinema.
Well me and the girls were in hysterics laughing, the boys were shouting rats to wind the girls up.
We have had Russian dwarf hamsters (10 when the sons were small) Got told we had 3 boys came back from holiday and found 10. The good old days .....
Anyway Rio 2, I give it 5/10 but the girls enjoyed it so it was a success then we had lunch and now indoors in the warm.
Must remember got to go see 'escape from planet Earth' on the 19th if we all well.
Loving these freebie films!!!
Friday night Shayla went to see the fireworks with auntie :)
Saturday the family caught up for lunch as usual, followed by our own display outback with all the neighbours and kids (thanks Sean for lighting them - brave man).
I washed a quilt in the washing machine on Friday and it stopped working, so myself and son took it apart, cleaned and tested the relevant areas, grease up to my elbows but we have narrowed it down to a couple of possibilities so we are getting there. Always something.......
Finally decided to join the Minecraft gang so I could get a better perspective of the problems the kids were having on the HE server, sadly now I'm hooked :) Have been unwell hence the lack of blogs so gave me the perfect excuse to relax for a change and hone my skills ;)
This below is not me, it's Shayla changing her skins, something else I thought her this week :)
We done our usual, found the most amazing jacket for Shayla.
A bright cardie her nan (god rest her soul) would be proud of. You need shades to look at it. I love her taste :)
We also got a few books :) and Ariel has been practicing her watercolours.
Got a lovely book to hold pictures or photos, the cinnamon on the front still smells, there's a shell, I love it.
The cold sore is back an hurts soooooooooo much.
Please note: Cold sore stages #2 thru #8 are active stages and are very contagious. Usually 3 to 4 weeks is the average life-span of a cold sore; from first to last sore appearance. Much depends on your health and choice of treatments for each of your cold sore stages.
Cold Sore Stage 1 — LATENT:
Here the cold sore herpes simplex virus is hiding in the nerve ganglia near the back of the jaw on the same side as your cold sore usually appears. The cold sore virus may "sleep" for weeks or years without incident. Your body's defense "soldiers" keep them in check. When there is stress in another part of your body, your defenses may drop at this location. Then the cold sore virus can escape and travel to the surface to reproduce, thus beginning the active cold sore stages.
Cold Sore Stage 2 — PRODROME:
The cold sore virus reproductive cycle begins here. The cold sore virus travels down your nerve fibers to the surface. This movement causes your cold sore target area to itch or tingle. You may notice a burning or dryness sensation. This stage could last a few hours to a few days before entering the more intense cold sore stages.
Cold Sore Stage 3 — INFLAMMATION:
Your cold sore virus has now arrived at the surface and begins it's reproductive cycle by entering the cells at the end of the nerve. This causes a lot of swelling and redness at the cold sore site as your cells react to being invaded by the herpes cold sore virus.
Cold Sore Stage 4 — PRE-SORE:
Cold sores at this stage are defined by the appearance of cold sore vesicles. A full blown cold sore is not one big blister but a grouping of small blisters called vesicles. You will notice these vesicles as tiny, hard pimples or red bumps that are painfully sensitive to the touch.
Cold Sore Stage 5 — OPEN SORE:
Your most painful and contagious of the cold sore stages. All the vesicles break open and merge to create one big open, weeping sore. Depending on the severity, you may develop a fever and swollen lymph glands under the jaw. The weeping fluid is teaming with newly born cold sore viruses. Touching this fluid, you could easily spread the cold sore virus to another part of your own body or to someone else - either by direct touch or sharing objects such as hand towels, telephones, and faucets.
Cold Sore Stage 6 — CRUSTING:
A cold sore will develop a yellowish crust or scab as it begins to finally start the healing process. Your cold sore is still painful at this stage. More painful, however, is the constant cracking and bleeding of your cold sore scab when you move or stretch your lips, as when smiling.
Cold Sore Stage 7 — HEALING:
Cold sores, once scabbed over, begin healing from the inside out. As new skin forms under the crust, you will experience continued itching, irritation and some pain. Your cold sore virus is now retreating back to the nerve ganglia area where it will sleep until the next opportunity.
Cold Sore Stage 8 — POST SCAB:
Cold sores at this stage no longer have a visible cold sore scab and your skin has totally healed. Under your new skin, healing is still taking place as the destroyed cells are regenerated. This produces a red spot that may linger for another 2 to 14 days - depending on your personal healing speed. You are still contagious until this red spot disappears. This waiting is the most frustrating of the cold sore stages.
Just what I needed to hear arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Only just got rid of the last one, the one that caused the 'wart finger' that lasted for a good couple of months until I used ACV. Lesson learned not touching this with my finger will put the Aciclovir on with a cotton bud this time.......
Played Mincraft with son and Shay, still not well so had a lazy day, got a cold from hell for the last few months, still here, new inhaler, hopefully it will kick in soon.
Ariel had an arty day.
Have to go to Wim but still feel awful and the cold sore is looking worse, deep joy. Trying to get myself motivated.
Ariel decided to put a peg on poppy's tail so Elsa is now hanging by a peg on the washing line.....
Well we went to the park, took some wonderful Autumnal pictures, today we were learning about photography and the different effects you could make with a camera.
After spending several hours playing and taking many many pictures we carried on to Wim to do some shopping.
We got some lovely bits, a clock, some winter woolies, a musical box, more books on watercolours a pretty butterfly nightlight holder, a cheerleader baton etc
I took pictures as I usually do....
Shayla had a bit of a meltdown last evening as you do when you are 9.
About volcano's, (She has always had this 'thing' about volcano's) How long the Earth has been around, when will it cease to exist, why, where do we go when we die, do we have to come back to Earth again, Do they have laptops in Heaven, can you do what you want etc
Quite a deep conversation, anyway we all ended up in my bed, chatting away. Then about 3am Ariel jumped in (she wakes for a toilet break, sees Shayla gone and knows where she is) So I was awake most of the night squished between the 2 girls and the 2 cats, my bed is only small :)
I have woken up even more full of cold, I feel dreadful. Tried to upload yesterday's pictures and the phone is broken too, so we lost all that work, so annoying some of the pictures were beautiful but what can you do, so now I'm on the lookout for a camera asap.
Shayla is busy on the laptop and Ariel is playing with her fairies so I'm off to make another coffee.... tbc