Spent Monday by first visiting the park and seeing if we could find a tree with purple leaves, then 4 yo had a dance and done cartwheels (Too quickly for me to get a pic!!).
Then we went to see what we could find in the local charity shops, got a fantastic book about space, which will be one of our topics very soon.
An Anthology of Children's Verse. Who Lives in a Tree by Jan Pollard
and several books for the small one (I'm not small, I'm big) aka the voice aka now she want's to be called Ariel....
Which makes me think of washing powder....... Not

Then we got the ingredients to make fudge in our slow cooker, which we will be attempting today....
Done a bit of English, it was just one of those days.
We also had a spelling test of the words she had difficulty with last week e.g. thought, quack, fudge, creatures, she got most of which right right so the deal was 20p per word which changed to 5 minutes on minecraft.
I offered her the swap and of course she chose Minecraft.
So then I offered her an extra 5 minutes for giving the cats a good brushing, we added up 55+5=60 and I asked her how many minutes in an hour which of course she got right so she ended up on Minecraft (HE Server) for an hour (Me watching :)
Scarily the more I watch the more I understand, which isn't a bad thing.
They all seem like a lovely bunch of kids on there, helping each other.
We also found a link to:
Tuesday we finished the basics early, made cakes
and then sat outside in the sun with our lunch and read poetry followed by a trip to the park.
Was supposed to be going to NHM but 4yo wasn't well so we cancelled, then in the afternoon she improved slightly and was playing with 8 yo, accidentally stood on her mouth (don't ask) and split her lip.
"Quick" I shrieked "to the bathroom, and don't get any blood on my new carpet"
Carpet is beige, being trying to keep it beige and lips bleed quite profusely.
8 yo lip under the water, 4 yo crying in the bedroom thinking she had done some serious damage o.O
Then 8 yo gets a nosebleed, thankfully still in the bathroom.
Tragedy averted, I hustled them both into the kitchen to finish icing the cakes.
Then took them out to burn off some of that energy.
After 24 hours cooling in the fridge the Fudge tasted ok but the consistency was wrong so we won't be trying that recipe again..
Dinner, bath, quality time, then bed
Me, I'm learning Minecraft commands so 8 yo can protect her stuff.......
Permissions/protections/flags etc
Thursday is curry day at spoons so we had poppadoms and dips, £1.99p the girls were brave and tried them all.
We got some face paints and fabric paint, made bracelets (thanks Auntie Amanda) and sat out the back enjoying the lovely weather.
Did the Mentos rocket experiment, it all went tragically wrong....
Before when we had tried the volcano experiment with bicarb and vinegar, we made the mistake of doing it in the bathroom and it hit the ceiling and went everywhere). Thought we wont make that mistake this time and we for trying it outside, well the fizz went about 2 ft high, it was pathetic but I have been studying various techniques so watch this space....
Friday again was lovely so we just stayed outside most of the day, until about 9.30pm, managed to spot 2 bats and some stars for a change which was nice.

Today was play day!! Girls were out for most of the day having a great time, helping the neighbors sort the garden for winter which involved lots of running about and playing games with their friends.
Me? I am frazzled so will be having an early one hopefully
Have a great week-end <3
Then we went to see what we could find in the local charity shops, got a fantastic book about space, which will be one of our topics very soon.
An Anthology of Children's Verse. Who Lives in a Tree by Jan Pollard
and several books for the small one (I'm not small, I'm big) aka the voice aka now she want's to be called Ariel....
Then we got the ingredients to make fudge in our slow cooker, which we will be attempting today....
Done a bit of English, it was just one of those days.
We also had a spelling test of the words she had difficulty with last week e.g. thought, quack, fudge, creatures, she got most of which right right so the deal was 20p per word which changed to 5 minutes on minecraft.
I offered her the swap and of course she chose Minecraft.
So then I offered her an extra 5 minutes for giving the cats a good brushing, we added up 55+5=60 and I asked her how many minutes in an hour which of course she got right so she ended up on Minecraft (HE Server) for an hour (Me watching :)
Scarily the more I watch the more I understand, which isn't a bad thing.
They all seem like a lovely bunch of kids on there, helping each other.
We also found a link to:
GB geology with Minecraft!!!!
Inspired by the Ordnance Survey (OS), BGS has reproduced the 2D geology of mainland Great Britain and surrounding islands within the world of Minecraft. This map shows the OS map data on the surface and the rough position of real geology beneath, repeated down to the bedrock.
In reality the geology varies with depth, like cake layers, and BGS is working on representing the arrangement of the rocks and sediments in the form of a 3D geological model. Watch this space!
Deep Joy! We can explore Great Britain using Minecraft which is great.
Then I joined a few groups to learn coding so that I could teach the girls, (boy am I looking forward to that).
So although it felt like we did very little yesterday, we actually achieved quite a lot.
Tuesday we finished the basics early, made cakes
and then sat outside in the sun with our lunch and read poetry followed by a trip to the park.
Was supposed to be going to NHM but 4yo wasn't well so we cancelled, then in the afternoon she improved slightly and was playing with 8 yo, accidentally stood on her mouth (don't ask) and split her lip.
"Quick" I shrieked "to the bathroom, and don't get any blood on my new carpet"
Carpet is beige, being trying to keep it beige and lips bleed quite profusely.
8 yo lip under the water, 4 yo crying in the bedroom thinking she had done some serious damage o.O
Then 8 yo gets a nosebleed, thankfully still in the bathroom.
Tragedy averted, I hustled them both into the kitchen to finish icing the cakes.
Then took them out to burn off some of that energy.
After 24 hours cooling in the fridge the Fudge tasted ok but the consistency was wrong so we won't be trying that recipe again..
Dinner, bath, quality time, then bed
Me, I'm learning Minecraft commands so 8 yo can protect her stuff.......
Permissions/protections/flags etc
Thursday is curry day at spoons so we had poppadoms and dips, £1.99p the girls were brave and tried them all.
We got some face paints and fabric paint, made bracelets (thanks Auntie Amanda) and sat out the back enjoying the lovely weather.
Did the Mentos rocket experiment, it all went tragically wrong....
Before when we had tried the volcano experiment with bicarb and vinegar, we made the mistake of doing it in the bathroom and it hit the ceiling and went everywhere). Thought we wont make that mistake this time and we for trying it outside, well the fizz went about 2 ft high, it was pathetic but I have been studying various techniques so watch this space....
Friday again was lovely so we just stayed outside most of the day, until about 9.30pm, managed to spot 2 bats and some stars for a change which was nice.
Today was play day!! Girls were out for most of the day having a great time, helping the neighbors sort the garden for winter which involved lots of running about and playing games with their friends.
Me? I am frazzled so will be having an early one hopefully
Have a great week-end <3
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