Monday, 8 December 2014

Queen Cleopatra of Egypt is said to have bathed her ass in milk?

Well GS went off leaving his lurgy behind.

Small has been very miserable today, didn't manage to get half the things done I wanted to.

Dentist appointment then we went to town.

Kept ringing but couldn't get through to the doctors in time for an appointment today, need some antibiotics for the tooth and chest feeling very tight again..... Will try again tomorrow.

We did hit the charity shops and I actually managed to take some pictures but I need to get a new hard drive and sd card desperately, I had to upload the pictures using my email address on Big's Laptop, then view the original and move it into a folder, took ages.

We got some more books for the collection and Big Straight away started reading this one.

She has spent ages today on Study Ladder doing English and is doing an amazing job.

Very, Very proud of her.

We got a new globe (£2.50) for her collection, which is growing.
(We also got another few bears, I must remember to take a picture of Smalls bear collection ).

Lilly was fascinated because it played a tune.

Also got a beautiful box.

More books for the collection.

It's getting colder, I have bubble wrapped the inside of the girls bedroom window because their room was always freezing, on an average window you lose 10% of the heat from a room, in the girls room the amount lost must have been way more then that.
Anyway the bubble wrap works like a charm.
I will do my own bedroom later and the front room.

Anyway hope everyone is having a fun Monday and

 to a special little man Harrison.

Our dinner was made by Big and it was scrumptious

Chicken, stir fry veg, soy sauce and egg noodles.

T-14 Days until we are out of London for a week, can't wait and Big has butterfly's in her tum she is so excited.

All that swimming to look forward too.

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