Saturday, 29 November 2014

Wimbledon Winter Wonderland 12-6 pm Sunday (Tomorrow) 30th November 2014

Ok so today I had a day off  the girls went gardening to nannies

So I decided to have a go at a Wordpress Blog, have been meaning to start one for ages but have been so busy, anyway Day 1.....

What can I say, Blogger is the baby, if you are new to Blogging (like me) then hit Blogger first.

If on the other hand you are a sadist go for Wordpress, only joking. Seriously it is amazing and really helps with me learning to code. It will take a while to get my head round this one for sure.

The thing that is winding me up about it atm is I can't work out how to change the header font, like a fool I went for the fancy option and it looks awful, never mind I will work it out eventually ;) Anyone out there that can offer advice? I went for the free blog so the controls are different....

Also my phone is dead, people are trying to ring, email, text and I can't do anything, so am waiting on son to bring his old phone round, hopefully before Christmas.....

Speaking of Christmas I have changed all profile pictures to holly, just to confuse everyone, so if you follow me on FB, Twitter, G+ etc and see the above pic, you found me.

Don't forget WWW tomorrow, 1pm for the Frozen song

I know it's the adult version but I love it, anyway you will be able to sing along to the proper version tomorrow and........    hot off the press

Yeap Frozen 2 is in the making.... 4 yo will be over the moon.
Am sooooo tempted to let her wear her dress tomorrow instead of waiting until Christmas.

Yes for this post I have enlarged the text to large, would welcome feed back, I can see it much clearer but not sure how it looks on the blog itself, I know sis will love it :P

This is the tree I want, I think it's lovely. Unfortunately the girls want me to drag the 7 footer out, once again the learning area will be transformed, considering the room is 13 ft by 15 ft there won't be much room left for moving about but if it makes them happy what the heck.

I still remember Poppy's expression last year when the bloomin thing fell over about 3am 

Same expression but she was asleep on my bed, anyway this year I think Lilly will be the one knocking the tree over that's why I will attach it to the ceiling :)

Speaking of Christmas (again) a reminder One of Santa's elves..... Has an important message: (aka the wonderful hardworking Nicola) 

Christmas letters to Santa
Santa is extremely busy at the North Pole, making sure all the presents, including yours, are ready and wrapped for Christmas Eve.
It’s a very exciting time for all; Rudolph and Santa can’t wait to land at your home with all your gifts. Rudolph is especially looking forward to eating the carrots you kindly leave and maybe a mince pie for Santa…
To ensure Santa receives your letter on time please can you send to the following address:
Santa/Father Christmas,
Santa’s Grotto,
Santa will respond to as many letters as possible, in between getting the sleigh ready for the long journey on Christmas Eve.
To receive your card back from Santa, please make sure you write to him using the correct address on a stamped envelope. Don't forget Santa needs to know your full name and address to reply.
Santa is happy to receive your cards and letters now but because of a very busy Xmas ahead could you please write to him by no later than Saturday 6th December.
Be good and enjoy your holidays,

See you all tomorrow, enjoy your Saturday night

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