Monday, 27 October 2014

Chemical Chaos

What a day!
We started early.
Went to Sainsburys to get some Halloween bits, so much choice..

Check the syrup out :)

LARGE pumpkin

Then we had lunch and hit the charity shops, had to get some wool for the spiderweb game.... Found lots of treasures while we were there....

More globes, suddenly we have a collection...

One from Russia

Science experiment

Star Chart

Random Books

A pretty mirror

Sparkly S ring for Shayla

Got Duck Shoot for a fiver, we all had a go, will play this on Halloween

Ariel loved it :0)


Shayla played on the new HE server

Deep concentration




Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's the most beautiful of them all

Got a few more decorations ;) Will put up tomo.

Sat outside with the patient enjoying the night. Looking forward to Friday :)

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Experience A Real Family Adventure

Started another forensic Science course Friday, could barely move after putting the decorations up for Halloween, but the brain is still working ;)

Sadly the H on my keyboard is dying this could get flamin annoying.....

Went to the park

Found some more Fungi

What a nice week end, had lunch with the family yesterday, then hit the charity shops and stocked up on books :) (For me for a change)

Had a lovely lunch with the kids and grand kids :)

They can't even leave Scratch alone when we are having a meal :)

Spent Saturday evening with my wonderful neighbours, lots of delicious foods and great company.

I lay awake most of the night contemplating the universe, as you do :)

Son took me, Kat and Shayla to McDonald's for breakfast and then himself and Shayla made their first video, battling Herobrian,

My little Kat wasn't well bless her <3 so she ad a kip
whilst the small ones had a dressing up and dancing contest ..... battling goblins :)))

Myles was Iron man and Ariel was a princess

Myles got the usual cows horn, running into a door this time o.0

Very peaceful and fun week end was had by all <3

Some dancing




Dressing up

Poppy rose above it all ;)

5 days till the party :))) Catching up wit the rest of the family. Can't wait.