Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Reverse Osmosis, No Pressure for the week

Tuesday (I'm running a day late)

So today we done our Maths, spent ages playing with Lego and then made a start on the Osmosis experiment.

After sorting and labeling the relevant glasses with water and preparing the cucumber.

 I suddenly realised we needed a digital scales.
So off we went to Argos and purchased one.

Once purchased (under £8) we could begin our observations

Both samples started the experiment at 46g

The experiment is underway and will be concluded tomorrow.

Our Science book from America also arrived today, 365 Science Experiments, it looks great, lots of fun learning to be had there.

We also bought some white carnations and food colourings... Watch this space

We then decided to make an Autumnal dinner so we filled the slow-cooker with beautiful colours.

The day was lovely, so myself and Ariel popped out for a quick play (Cup of coffee for me) and helped Auntie Grace dig for diamonds while Shaz had some 'me' time involving a certain game.

Not a happy face the diamond turned out to be a piece of old glass, not impressed

After an hour we came back in to check on our experiment, weighed and took notes.
The Cucumber in the saline solution still weighed 46g, whilst the cucumber in the cooled boiled water (because we had no distilled) weighed 49g

Then back out for another hour to top up those vitamin D levels.

Still no diamond but we found a worm...

Had a quick pose on the swing then back to the grind.

Had a nice early night for a change, needed it I think a cold is coming, we are all sneezing. Time to put more garlic in the casserole and top up with vitamin C.

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