Sunday, 26 October 2014

Experience A Real Family Adventure

Started another forensic Science course Friday, could barely move after putting the decorations up for Halloween, but the brain is still working ;)

Sadly the H on my keyboard is dying this could get flamin annoying.....

Went to the park

Found some more Fungi

What a nice week end, had lunch with the family yesterday, then hit the charity shops and stocked up on books :) (For me for a change)

Had a lovely lunch with the kids and grand kids :)

They can't even leave Scratch alone when we are having a meal :)

Spent Saturday evening with my wonderful neighbours, lots of delicious foods and great company.

I lay awake most of the night contemplating the universe, as you do :)

Son took me, Kat and Shayla to McDonald's for breakfast and then himself and Shayla made their first video, battling Herobrian,

My little Kat wasn't well bless her <3 so she ad a kip
whilst the small ones had a dressing up and dancing contest ..... battling goblins :)))

Myles was Iron man and Ariel was a princess

Myles got the usual cows horn, running into a door this time o.0

Very peaceful and fun week end was had by all <3

Some dancing




Dressing up

Poppy rose above it all ;)

5 days till the party :))) Catching up wit the rest of the family. Can't wait.

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