Friday, 26 September 2014

Poplar Leaf Rust

Well the weather is on the turn, it's getting colder. The leaves are falling from the trees out back, sadly not just because of the weather, they have a fungal disease, Poplar leaf rust and they have it bad. 

Everything has been covered in what we thought was orange pollen for months now, really thick orange powder, we have never seen it like this before, all over window sills, tables, clothes hung out to dry.
The forestry people have been contacted we are waiting to hear back.

I noticed this one a couple of years ago.

This year the bark is coming off in chunks and this is the tree next to it.

The 2 together

Next tree along

All the trees are showing the same symptoms

Very sad, lets hope something can be done and it's not too late to save our trees....

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