Wednesday 10 September 2014

Wednesday 10th 2014 (HE 1 week on)

8 yo has been very busy today, along with the usual (Maths, English & Plant Experiments).

We then went for a play in the park :) Somebody lost their baby cup (top of fountain).

We also visited our local charity shops and as usual came home with 2 heavy bags full of books.
2 of which she has already read.

Deadly 2014 Annual (75p) About animals, Animal facts, and technology.

She also read, Where's the Meerkat (£1) Same as where's Wally, but with a Meerkat hiding in various parts of the world :)

We got a creative Crafts book Making Puppets (50p)

The Usborne Big Book of Experiments (75p) and a HUGE Roald Dahl book, Treasury for £1.45p

She is Making a badge for the Tim Peake's Mission Patch Competition

Deep concentration....

1st attempt

What an exhausting but worthwhile week it has been, seeing 8 yo's smile return.
We are both on a journey and I have learned lots myself in the past week.
Now I'm seeing Homonyms everywhere.... Well here (hear) there (their) and everywhere ;)

We all have the sniffles, I feel a lurgy coming on.....

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