Saturday, 6 December 2014

Grumpy cat Sleepy Saturday

Well there was all 4 of us in my small bed last night, it was quite a squeeze.
I think Small trapped Poppy in the girls bedroom yesterday accidentally so she decided to wee and poop on Big's quilt....

Just one of those things, but it meant all the quilts had to be washed and the plastic bleached 0.o

I said Big could jump in with me and I was asleep by 7, woke up at 11 being roasted, some joker ad turned the heating on and my room is 7 foot nothing, bed right next to the radiator, I was sweltering.

So I was running scans until 1.20 trying to keep this old girl (not me) alive, I finally cracked and went to bed.

Come 3.30, Small regular as clockwork gets up for a toilet break, see's Big isn't in her bed and doesn't like to sleep/be alone so then she jumps in with us.

Tiny bed, 3 girls and 2 cats later, I got a couple of hours sleep.

Today son took me to Yates dahling!! near Croydon, never been there before it was an experience, very nice apart from the chill coming down the stairs and GS wanting to go to the toilet for half an hour during which time because of the chill the food was stone cold.

The food was ok but the sauces I think were invented, most were vile and the waitress couldn't even pronounce the name of the sauce in the metal basket, we asked because we couldn't either and I wasn't brave enough to try it, it looked a bit spicy.

But it was lovely for me and no 2 son to have a day out and just the 2 of us! No one else.

Little fella has the lurg so has had calpol and is giving it Zzzzzzz's as it Paige.

Hope everyone is having a FAB Saturday <3

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