Tuesday 9 December 2014

I need my bed.....

Duvet Day today, had to pop out with the small one briefly needed some essentials.

Finally managed to get 2 doctors appointments for tomorrow deep joy. Nice and early, I will look like the living dead by then.

Girls have their dentist appointment in the afternoon, thinking of wearing gloves and a mask.

Had to stock up on aloe vera tissues my nose is raw and still blocked yet constantly sneezing.

At the moment I am wired up to a tens machine, thought somebody had chopped me in the neck when I first turned it on, comfortable on number 3 setting, 4 feels like electrocution.

I have had 2 Lemsips and a nasal spray to try and clear my sinuses (was meant to last 12 hours). Nope. I feel like death. Am going to try Marilyn's suggestion of the menthol steam later, after a soak.


I think I might start a separate health Blog, different pain every day and all that.

Girls have had a creative day, well it is December Art & Craft month, and after all the work Big done yesterday she deserves a break, so she is having a play with her HE friends. Small has made many creations. Unfortunately no pictures as yet.

Waitrose still doing 2 for a fiver on those nice sausages so we are having sausage mash and hoops for dinner tonight (Smalls choice).

Funny how illnesses get worse in the evening, I am feeling gradually worse if that is possible.

An early night will be had by all tonight.

Hope you all avoid this lurgy if that's what it is, hopefully catch up tomorrow....

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